Naples and beyond…

Yo. Sorry this post is late. Since I've been back it's been hella busy. You know when you get chucked back in at the deep end. That's been me this week. We got back late on Tuesday and then the rest of the week at work has been ridonkulously busy. Our washing machine at home …

Continue reading Naples and beyond…

Oslo, Norway

Hey kids. Just sat in the airport at my gate, waiting to return to the UK and thought I should use this time (airports are always LONG) to write a blog post about our travels to Oslo, somewhere that's always been on my bucket list. This has not ended up a frugal trip. It was …

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Why I pay £6.99 a month on contraception and turn down free contraception.

Hey! This is a stray away from my usual blog posts about saving money. This one is actually about why I spend £6.99 a month on contraception when usually this is something that is free on the NHS. I've had over 10 years experience with this so grab a cuppa, this could be a long …

Continue reading Why I pay £6.99 a month on contraception and turn down free contraception.